Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 2 Anchorage to Seward

  • Moments before the 7:50 a.m. sunrise, we began our drive south
  • Seward Highway 
    • 127 miles / 3 +/- hours with stops
    • First 50 miles skirted the base of the Chugach Mountains and shore of Turnagain Arm where it's common to see beluga whales, dall sheep, waterfalls and eagles.
    • National Geographic's Drives of a Lifetime
    • 9:51 a.m.: 6.2 magnitude earthquake with more than a dozen aftershocks 80 miles northwest of Anchorage
This 6 day trip covers such a TINY section of the south central part of the state.
(Denali National Park is larger than the entire state of Massachusetts!)
Tundra Swan and ducks
south of Anchorage adjacent to Potters Marsh Bird Sanctuary
just south of Turnagain Arm
just south of Turnagain Arm
  • Lunch at Gold Rush Alaskan Bistro (Seafood chowder, salad and sweet potato fries)
  • Alaska Sea Life Center, Seward - purchased 3 animal encounters
    • 1) Fed crab to "Dot" a Giant Pacific Octopus.  She suctioned herself to our hands!  Oh, and her mate is "Thumbs!" They grow 9-16 feet long and live 3-6 years.  These were both 6 years old.
    • 2) Fed Horned and Tufted Puffins, Murres and others - phenomenal! 

My favorite photo of the day!


    One of these Tufted Puffins was named... "Fabio!"
    • 3) Behind the scenes tour with sea lions and seals.  The male sea lion ("Woody") is 2,500 lbs!  Watched the keepers feed three seals.  One seal kissed our toes.
  • Tonight's hotel room has a balcony on the harbor.
  • Dinner at Ray's - on the harbor.  (Scallops appetizer, cedar planked salmon, crab cakes) Complete with harbor seals and sea otters outside our window!  Also saw the boat we will take tomorrow.
  • 7:48pm sunset (midnight EST)


  1. I forgot about the earthquake. Did you feel it? Were you driving? I've never felt an earthquake while driving. I'd imagine it to be a bit terrifying!

    Breathtaking photos! So beautiful.

    The experiences at the sea life center looked amazing!! Was Dot slimey?

  2. "Dot" was not slimy. What I found intriguing was the suction cups she used on our hands were the same ones she used to break open and eat the big crabs we fed to her. She clearly distinguished between food and our hands. - thank GAWD!

  3. Dare I post that my mom napped right through the quakes?! And I too was oblivious as I drove. We only learned of the quakes because Ashley texted us within an hour of the first one - to check on us!

    We heard and talked with several people throughout our stay - some said things fell of their walls/desks. Apparently quakes are common there? News to me. LOL!

  4. Jeff Corwin's 'Into Alaska' (2007 TV Series, Episode 4 'To The Ends of the Earth) says: Alaska is one of the most geologically active places on earth. Alaska has over 700 earthquakes annually, and has over 80% of North America's volcanos.

    Into Alaska with Jeff Corwin, 2007 TV series. Episode 4, To The Ends of the Earth

  5. Very interesting about dot. I too am glad that she could tell the difference between you and lunch!!

    Funny that Helen napped through the quake!! I haven't experienced any quakes in my time in Ketchikan. I think most of the quakes are further north than us. Sweet of Ashley to check in on you!
